Air castles (1914 körül)

Álmos Jaschik (1885 - 1950)



40 x 30 cm


Tempera on paper.


30,000 USD


not signed


Winter Exhibition of the National Salon

1914. december - 1915. január

Nemzeti Szalon



Álmos Jaschik's early art was touched by the wave of Hungarian folk art and the symbolism of Art Nouveau, and he was also influenced by the Austrian-German Art Nouveau and the Gödöllő artists. Of the latter, the Hungarian and universal character of his symbolism was closest to Sándor Nagy's  Hungarian Art Nouveau. The tempera of Air Castles was shown at the National Salon's winter exhibition in late 1914, and its motifs can be seen in his work Where Fairy Tales are Born, also produced at the same time. Jaschik interlaces figural motifs with decorative signs, familiar from the international symbolism repertory.

Related Themes

Art Nouveau

(1901 - 1921)

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Sándor Nagy

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(1885 - 1980)

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(1893 - 1925)

Kálmán Tichy

(1888 - 1968)

Arnold Gara

(1882 - 1929)

Attila Sassy

(1880 - 1967)

Sándor Muhits

(1982 - 1956)

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(1877 - 1959)

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(1890 - 1956)