Parisian fruit seller girl (1931)

Klára Schossberger (1893 - 1958)



81,5 x 65,5 cm


Oil on canvas.


4,800 EUR


Signed bottom right: C. Schossberger 1931 Paris



Presumably exhibited:

  • Exhibition of Béla Czóbel and Baroness Klára Schossberger. Fine Arts Exhibitions, Budapest, April-May 1931



Ladies with Palette: Hungarian Women's Painting 1895-1950 - Saphier Collection


Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum



In the 19th century, the Schossberger family were one of the richest merchants in Pest, and they built the Turai Castle, which was completed in 1883 and was known as the "Little Opera House" because of its neo-Renaissance style. Klára Schossberger (Clarisse) studied art with Sándor Bihari, Pál Szinyei-Merse, Lajos Deák-Ébner and Adolf Fényes at the Szolnok School. She then became a student at the Julian Academy in Paris. She then worked and opened here studio in Berlin. In 1924 she married Sir Basil Tangye from Birmingham. They did not return to Hungary until 1927, but Schossberger had been exhibiting her work since 1911. In 1926 and 1930 she had exhibitions at the Ernst Museum, in 1932 at the Frankel Salon and in 1936 at the Tamás Gallery. She and her husband then moved to England. She also exhibited in Stockholm, Oslo, Berlin and Barcelona. Her works are preserved in museums in Hungary and abroad.


In 1933, Klára Schossberger exhibited with Béla Czóbel in the Fine Arts Exhibitions. "This time she presents surprising colourful pictures. The artist had moved from calligraphic drawing to improvisational painting, condensing her objects in colour and capturing them on canvas with sweeping brushstrokes. She has also enriched her art in terms of subject matter. He captures with a fresh eye the lively and colourful scenes of street life in Paris and other cities", wrote Az Újság in April 1933. Schossberger's art took a turn in the mid-1930s. The impressionist-naturalist works of the artist, who had until then worked mainly under the influence of the Szolnok school, were replaced by more vivid, opalescent and expressive works.

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