Peasant interior in Rimóc (1935)

Kató Petrich (1908 - 1987)



70 x 80 cm


Oil on canvas.


16,900 EUR


On the reverse: Kató Petrich legacy stamp


Exhibition of painter Kató Petrich

2009. június

Magyar Írószövetség Klubja



Katalin Petrich (Kató) has always excelled at drawing, even as a child. At college she was a student of Oszkár Glatz. From 1929 she worked at various artists' studios (Sopron, Mohács) and from that time on she began to make folk costume sock girls. From 1937 onwards, she was consciously researching folk life. Her letters show that she not only drew people, but also interviewed them and even sang to them. She became involved in the research work organised by the Centre for Landscape and Folk Research, so it is no coincidence that she was a member of the first landscape and folk research camp in 1939.


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Women Artists

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Pre-War Figurative Art

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