(1905 - 1926)
Not signed
Presumably exhibited:
Estate of Hugó Johan
Johan Hugó and his fellow artists
1998. június
Ráday Galéria
Hugó Johan also started from Pécs, as did Henrik Stefán and Farkas Molnár. Unlike them, he was not a member of the Bauhaus, yet his artistic aspirations were close to them. For him, colour and light always remained important, from his early works to his stained glass windows. "He had a huge sculpture, which he owes to his incredibly delicate sense of light. The fact is, this purest Pictorian originality permeates his subjects, if I may use that word, encompasses each object depicted, and even extends beyond the frame of the picture, making us feel the great cosmic connection of things. This way of representation is the gift of exceptional talents", he was described in 1919.