Hilly landscape (1922)

Henrik Stefan (1896 - 1971) Farkas Molnár (1897 - 1945)



24,5 x 31 cm


Lithograph on paper


1,750,000 HUF



This lithograph, Hilly landscape, made in the workshop of the Bauhaus in Weimar, by Farkas Molnár or Stefan Henrik, is probably a unique copy, other versions of this kind are unknown.


The lithograph comes from the estate of Hugó Johan. In search of forms and motifs, in the spring of 1921, before moving to the Bauhaus in Weimar, Hugó Johan traveled to Italy with Farkas Molnár and Henrik Stefan. As a result of the trip to Italy, Farkas Molnár and Henrik Stefan published a joint series of lithographs in 1922 at the Bauhaus graphic workshop. The so-called "Italia" folder contained 6-6 pages of the two creators and its style was not far from the pictorial formations of the head of the graphic workshop, the expressionist Lyonel Feininger. Since the style and the theme of the Hilly landscape follow those in the Italia folder, it was most probably created by one of the artists at that time.

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