Dezső Korniss

1908 - 1984


Dezső Korniss is a Hungarian painter, college teacher, member of the European School, graphic artist, industrial artist, poster, puppet and set designer, film director, prominent representative of Hungarian neo-avant-garde efforts (surrealism, non-figurative art).


Between 1923-25 ​​he studied at the private school of Artúr Podolini-Volkmann, and then between 1925-29 he continued his studies at the College of Fine Arts. His famous masters were István Csók and János Vaszary. In 1930-31, he was on a study trip to Paris, Brussels and Amsterdam.


The II. He was called up as a soldier during World War II, was taken prisoner of war, was released in 1945, and became a member of the European School, which ceased to exist in 1948. From 1945 to 1948, he was able to teach at the Academy of Fine Arts, and from 1949 he lived and created in internal emigration.


In Hungary, he worked in Budapest and with Lajos Vajda in Szentendre. The work of the two of them, as well as the other painters from Szentendre who were familiar with modern stylistic trends, had a great influence on the work of the Szentendre Art Colony, and in general on the young painters working in Szentendre. He was a prolific representative of the domestic neo-avant-garde efforts, appearing in numerous domestic and foreign exhibitions from 1926 onwards. Together with Lajos Vajda, he created his unique surreal and non-figurative art with the painterly metamorphosis of Hungarian folk art motifs, following in the footsteps of Béla Bartók in the line of painting. He drew on folk traditions to create modern art.


In 1945, he started Illuminations, consisting of hundreds of pages. his series of monotypes inspired by Rimbaud's poetry. In his older years, he included the rich world of motifs of Chinese calligraphy in his art, he also drew from traditional Chinese painting, as can be seen for example in Calligraphy (no year), Flutist I. (1950), Artisták (1950), Plastic calligraphy (1961). his creations. His art was not only modern, but also often very decorative, colors increasingly became a structural organizer in his paintings. His public space and building decoration works are also significant, for example Mosaic Column (1959, Budapest, Royal Hotel), Esperantó Fountain (1967, Budapest, Rácfürdő), he decorated the bottom of the pool of this trickling fountain with calligraphic signs, we highlighted this decoration of this public work separately, but in the plain summer shot they look good too. Between 1963 and 1968, his interest turned to collage and animated film.

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